1 Portability is not available in all states. Not For Use in CO and NM.
MassMutual Group Accident Insurance provides limited benefits. Like most group accident and health insurance policies, this policy has exclusions and limitations that may affect any benefits payable. Some benefits have limited availability based on age. Benefits payable are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. MassMutual has the right to change rates and may cancel the policy at any time. The policy, its name, benefits and provisions may vary or be unavailable in some states. See the actual policy or your MassMutual representative for specific provisions and details of availability. This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services.
Group Accident insurance (GPAC), (policy/certificate forms MM-GPAC-2015 and MM-GCAC-2015, and MM-GPAC-2015 (NC) and MM-GCAC-2015 (NC) in North Carolina) is limited benefit, non-participating group insurance. The GPAC policy and GCAC certificates are issued by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Springfield, MA 01111-0001.